Monday, January 24, 2011

Some sweet quotes =)

I don't usually like forwards (especially the ones that say your life is going to be cursed if you don't send it on, haha) but I was drawn to this one. I've always loved quotes -- I'm a huge nerd, I save them on a document on my computer, lol! At one point I used to write them down in a book.. I should go back to that someday.

Anyway, these photos that go along with the quotes are too cute.. Definitely made my day =)

My two favorites...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My little project & 3 more days...

My husband Steve has been away at his new job training for 12 - yes TWELVE - days! In newlywed time (yes, yes I still consider myself a newlywed, hehe) that's a long time to be apart.  I did get to see him over the weekend briefly, but it wasn't long enough. It's ok though - only 3 more days to go..!

In order to combat boredom and sadness from missing him too much, I decided to make sure to keep myself busy.  I haven't been cooking since he left (luckily my in-laws helped take care of me in that department, hehe..) so I did the little things around the apartment that I'd been wanting to do.

The one little project I'm most proud of is my makeup organization! I've recently developed an obsession with makeup (thanks to all the blogs I subscribe to) and I quickly ran out of room in my lavender Caboodles organizer from 1992 (haha) so I figured it was time for an upgrade!

I went to Michaels and found an awesome desktop crafts organizer on sale and thought it was perfect. It fit nicely inside my linen closet and had enough compartments for all my makeup - most of it at least! The rest is tucked into a little plastic drawer organizer on the side. And my brushes stand nicely in my repurposed mason jars filled with pretty rocks (the florist at my wedding used the jars for our bouquets!).  I'm hoping this'll jump start a bunch of projects I've been wanting to do for quite some time.


Anyway, so now I've got 3 days left until he returns - hoping the mister will be proud of my little project, though it doesn't pale in comparison to what he's done around here (seriously, he's done some major construction projects!). He really does so much for me and for our families - I'm so lucky & so blessed to have him. Aaaand to add to the cheesiness.. my friend Michele posted this on Facebook, which was the perfect quote to describe how I've been feeling while he's away..
If you have a wonderful man who helps balance your whole world...who isn't perfect, but is perfect for you... who works hard and would do anything for you.. who makes you laugh and drives you CRAZY, who is your best friend, who you want to grow old with, and who you are thankful for everyday, and who you could not live without, repost this!!! -- ♥...
Thank God, I do =)

Friday, January 14, 2011

'Twas a Merry "cooking" Christmas

It's been almost a month since Christmas now, but I must share how I think my family was sending me a "sign" with all the gifts they gave me for Christmas... see below!

Posing with my mom in my "Will cook for SHOES" apron (haha soooo me) and my mini Giada pot (what in the world will I cook in it, I have no clue, lol).

The ORGANIC spice rack from my sister-in-law Jen... looooooooove it

An awesome cast iron pan from my brother Ray.. Emeril, no less =)

And my "green" cooking pan (along with a bunch of baking items) from Steve!

All of these items are FOOD & COOKING related! (duh, haha). These are just a few of the many cool cooking-related items I got.. So, I'm taking this as a sign - I am meant to have a career involving food. Haha, that or maybe they just know I like to cook and want me to cook for them.. but either way works for me.

So bring it on 2011.. let's see what dishes I'll whip up, what culinary adventures await me, and maybe what cooking-related hobby (or even career?) I may pursue.. I'm hoping to motivate myself to blog about them all (the tasty & not so) as well as other things that "inspire" me this year!

Oh, and here's a few more pictures just for good measure. I love my family.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Happy NEW Year!

Belated Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to all =)

I can't believe it's been nearly a month since I last posted.  It's been quite a busy time.  But now that things have quieted down, I can pay attention to my blog again.  I think I said it a few posts back - things are going to change as the new year begins.

For starters, I gave my blog a facelift! I love the colors now - much more bright & cheery than my last theme, as seen below:

I actually used an image from my wedding photos. Such a great photo by the brilliant Susan Stripling but it was a little too monotone for a background image. It's beautiful though.. 2 swans swam by us after we took our photos as husband & wife:

My current background is also an image taken by Susan - but this time it's a little more colorful and bright. It's a photo of my gorgeous bouquet of orchids and calla lilies.

This change alone has made me excited to blog more!

With that said, I plan on updating more often.  My friend (and first & only follower, lol) Shelby sent me a wonderful e-mail (my response to which I'll post another time) saying how she loved my blog and tried looking for more recipes, but couldn't find anything! That's because I don't update enough. So here we go.  Thanks for the inspiration, Shelbs - this one's for you.

And three, I'm going to make my blog public!  Not sure why I haven't yet.  Probably the "perfectionist" in me that keeps wanting to make it look "perfect" - but you know what?  That doesn't matter.  Whoever is interested in reading my blog won't care, plus I'm kind of loving it now =)

Here's to a NEW year filled with NEW & inspiring things!